World Clock Deluxe 4.15.1 - World time clock and meeting planner.

World Clock Deluxe is a reliable and easy-to-use time tool. With World Clock Deluxe you can display multiple clocks in a horizontal or vertical palette, in the menu bar and in the Dock, show Greenwich Mean Time and Coordinated Universal Time, easily identify the best time for conference calls or videoconferences across multiple time zones, quickly calculate time conversions between different cities or time zones, and show the current weather all over the world.

What’s New

Version 4.15.1:

  • The incompatibilities with OS X 10.11 El Capitan have been resolved.

  • On OS X 10.11 El Capitan, conversion results and meeting details can now be saved to a note or added to a reminder by clicking the Share button.

  • Conversion results and meeting details can now be copied to the Clipboard by choosing Copy Conversion/Copy Meeting Details from the Edit menu or using the Command-C keyboard shortcut.

  • The system font is now the default font of the Clocks palette on all system versions, including OS X 10.9 or later.

  • The font of the Clocks palette and the Font pop-up menu in the Palette pane of World Clock Deluxe Preferences are now updated when fonts are disabled or enabled using Font Book.

  • A bug, introduced in version 4.15, that affected the “Slide horizontally” and “Slide vertically” transition effects of the Clocks palette has been fixed.

  • Several other minor improvements have been introduced.


  • Intel

  • OS X 10.6 or later

World Clock Deluxe 4.15.1World Clock Deluxe 4.15.1World-Clock-Deluxe_4World-Clock-Deluxe_2

World Clock Deluxe 4.15.1 (Mac OS X) | 7 MB officialSiteButton

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World Clock Deluxe 4.15.1 - World time clock and meeting planner.


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