Co-founder and former chief executive of Opera Software, Jon von Tetzchner has launched a new browser Vivaldi. Among the advantages of the application developer calls high speed operation and functionality of the program. Many of its features are borrowed from the original versions of Opera. Major declared to date browser features – Quick Commands, Notes, Speed Dials, and Tab Stacks. The first is designed to run a variety of functions a browser with a single click. The user can customize the set of shortcuts. Notes allows you to add notes to the sites (one of the key innovations of the new browser, Microsoft Spartan, though, here – no handwriting). In turn, Speed Dials – a standard feature of many modern browsers. It is a grid of shortcuts that appear in a new tab. In Vivaldi This function supports folders with labels. Finally, Tab Stacks – grouping labels tabs open (again, one of the functions declared in the Spartan). The work on Vivaldi was conducted last year and a half. All of these features are in the preliminary version of the browser technology, available for download on the official website for Windows, OS X and Linux.
Customize Everything
Make the web yours
We are all absolutely unique and we want different things. Vivaldi web browser lets you do things your way by adapting to you and not the other way around. You prefer the browser tabs placed at the bottom or on the side of the window? – You prefer a different address bar location? Go ahead and customize your preferences be it your keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, appearance and so on.
Quick Commands
Control everything in your browser from one place
Tab Stacks and Tiling
Organize Your Tabs
Tired of unorganized tabs in your browser? Let the mess be cleaned up with Vivaldi. Organize your tabs using Tab stacks, a feature that you will fall in love with. It lets you group multiple tabs into one. It can’t get better than this – just drag a tab over to another for an uncomplicated grouping.
Write Notes on the Go
Easy to use, always around when you are in need
Take notes and add screen shots of web pages while browsing, store attachments and add URL’s to easily organize and locate it later.
- Fast Close Tabs
- Shopping in the bookmarks and notes
- Disable sidebars
- Mute tabs (STFU)
- HTML5 notifications
- Minimum font size
- Setting default encoding
- Moving tabs between windows
Vivaldi Beta 2 v1.0.365.3 for Mac
Vivaldi Beta 2 for Mac - Powerful and Personal Browser
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