TaskPaper 3.2

TaskPaper 3.2

TaskPaper – elegant taskmenedzher

TaskPaper – simple application to create and maintain to-do lists, which at first glance looks like a normal text editor, but in the right hands turns into a serious productivity tool. Immediately after the launch of the main window opens utility, which sets out the highlights of almost all work with it. The list of tasks and projects – in fact is a simple text document, with a few tricks in its handling. As laid down the idea that reminds Markdown format. The first thing that distinguishes TP compared to other programs – is to support the themes that allow you to customize the appearance of the application to your liking. Plain text is usually marked by gray and it’s just text. What would make the task of text is enough to add a “-” and a space before the text. It is very natural, man is so commonly noted problems in your shopping list. After pressing Enter, you will automatically receive an addition – and a space before the task that saves time. At the end of the task, you can write tags. The tag is also plain text, which is in front of the @ sign. Embedded tags TaskPaper is @today and @done. Basic rules – very simple.

  • To create a project – put a colon at the end of the line

  • To create a task – start line with a hyphen

  • To set the tag in the problem – write tag with the dog sign

  • Text without the colon and the hyphen at the end of the beginning – is considered to be a simple memo

  • padding is used to specify the hierarchy

What’s New

Version 3.2:

  • Added header and footer printing options to print panel

  • Track expanded / collapsed state in extended file attribute

  • Edit> Copy Displayed (Option-Command-C) for only displayed items

  • Added right margin padding to balance default left margin padding

  • Escape in empty toolbar search field shows recent searches menu

  • Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab now move focus of toolbar search field

  • ‘ShowPreviewBadge’ defaults key to hide “Prev” badge in TaskPaper’s preview version

  • Tag autocompletions are now case insensitive

  • Tag autocompletions only popup when editing at end of tag

  • Move “Saved Searches” to top of toolbar search field popup

  • Require that both ‘(‘ and ‘)’ be escaped with ” when used in tag values

  • Apply tag and similar commands only effect displayed items, not collapsed or filtered

  • Hidden items with no visible ancestor are no longer effected by edits

  • It’s now possible to fully select the last displayed item, so you can cut / copy its collapsed items

  • Changed script debug process, see user guide “Creating Scripts” section

  • Renamed theme ‘display’ text style attribute to ‘content’

  • Items> Format As to work when item is a project with trailing tags

  • Document name (instead of always “Untitled”) now displays in printed header

  • Guide lines now draw for items with hidden parents but visible ancestors

  • Escape in toolbar search field clears text without losing focus

  • Scripting API
    • ‘Outline.getOutlines ()’

    • ‘OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditors ()’

    • ‘OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditorForOutline (outline)’

    • ‘Selection.selectedItems’

    • ‘Selection.displayedSelectedItems’

    • ‘Selection.displayedAncestorSelectedItems’


TaskPaper 3.2

Version: TaskPaper 3.2

Developer: © the Hog Bay Software

System requirements: the OS the X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor

Language: English

Tablet: Included

Size: 4.07 MB Download now

TaskPaper 3.2 Mac OS X | 4.04 MB


TaskPaper 3.2


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