Lingon X allows you to visually create the startup files that are used to launch applications and scripts automatically when the Mac OS X. The list of all programs shall be made to the table, where it is convenient to edit. Immediately displays the status of each program: what it does, whether the works at the moment, etc.The entire configuration can be carried out manually by changing the «launchd» file in a text editor, the program creates a user-friendly interface, which will help speed up the process and avoid mistakes. You can set the AutoPlay on schedule, and after any particular incident. Features:
- Automatic start of the application or script (including a certain date)
- Check run the application or script
- The ability to automatically change the file system configurations
- It does not require its own run after making changes
Lingon X – is a graphical user interface for creating and editing configuration files, run programs / daemons for Mac OS X, which are located in the following directories:
~ / Library then / the LaunchAgents
~ / Library then / LaunchDaemons
/ Library / LaunchAgents
/ Library / LaunchDaemons
/ System / Library / LaunchAgents
/ System / Library / LaunchDaemons
. Download an application located in the directory / Library / StartupItems / and / System / Library / StartupItems / can be controlled by standard OS means I want to warn that you need to use the application with extreme caution, ie you should clearly understand myself and understand what you are doing!
Lingon X 2.3.8
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