QR Factory 2.9.4

QR Factory 2.9.4

QR Factory 2.9.4

QR Factory is an indispensable and versatile way to quickly share any text information.

Its main advantage – easy recognition – widely applied in various fields: production, trade, logistics, tourism, advertising, competitions, games and others. Scanners of QR-codes exist in almost on all mobile platforms, so it’s a good “throw information into the mobile phone.” The app QR Factory will help you to encrypt text, email, link, geographic coordinates, contact information and even data for connecting Wi-Fi network. Play around with its settings, you will be able to make your QR-code is unusual: add a color, a gradient fill, the line to make it more smooth and even put him in addition a small icon. It is useful, for example, to code with reference to a mobile application.

What’s new in version 2.9.4

  • [New] Added new area for creating SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) payment codes.

  • [Fixed] Issue when using quotes inside a code’s content.

  • [Fixed] Issue where the logo would not be centered properly when printing.


QR Factory 2.9.4 QR Factory 2.9.4. QR Factory 2.9.4..

Version: QR the Factory 2.9.4

Developer: Tunabelly Software

System requirements: the OS the X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor

Language: English

Tablet: Included

Size: 3.7 MB Download now

QR the Factory 2.9.4 | 3.7 MB


QR Factory 2.9.4


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